Business owners who have four or more domestic workers must transfer salaries to their digital wallets

25 Jun 2024

Business owners who have four or more domestic workers must transfer salaries to their digital wallets
It was declared on Monday by the Musaned domestic workers services platform that business owners with four or more domestic workers must transfer salaries to their digital wallets. With effect from January 1, 2025, the transfer must be done using the Domestic Workers Salaries icon in the authorized digital wallets of domestic workers. Employers of domestic workers arriving in Saudi Arabia for the first time are advised by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) to deposit salaries into their digital wallets starting July 1, 2024, according to a recent directive from the Musaned platform. The new home workers' authorized digital wallets will contain an icon labeled "Domestic Workers' Salaries," where they can access their salary. The new service also makes it possible to send an advance salary, pay a portion of the income in advance, and deduct or increase the compensation directly into the employees' digital wallets. Electronic salary transfers have several benefits, such as lowering cash transactions, enhancing the working conditions for domestic helpers, and streamlining the process of promptly, simply, and dependably paying domestic helpers' income. The platform made clear that the wage that the employer is required to pay is the wage that was agreed upon by both parties in the labor contract. Unless the parties agree differently in writing, the wage must be paid at the end of each Hijri month while adhering to the rules and guidelines regarding wage protection. The Musaned disclosed that if a worker falls under the category covered by the Wage Protection Program, the transfer of salary must take place through authorized channels, which includes bank accounts. This pertains to the potential for salary transfers of domestic workers through banks when a bank account is available for domestic workers. On the other hand, the employer may choose to pay wages by check or cash if the employee does not fall under the required category. Nevertheless, unless the domestic worker wants to move money to a particular bank account, this must be recorded in writing or via the payroll card.


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