MHRSD to raise the Saudization rates in 269 professions across various sectors

28 Jan 2025

MHRSD to raise the Saudization rates in 269 professions across various sectors

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) announced the implementation of a series of measures targeted at increasing Saudization rates in up to 269 professions across many industries. According to the resolution, pharmacies must implement 55 percent Saudization and 65 percent Saudization in pharmacy activities affiliated with hospitals beginning July 27, 2025.

The decisions included the localization of dentistry, pharmacy, accountancy, and engineering technical professions. 

The decision to increase the percentage of Saudization in the pharmaceutical professions will be implemented beginning July 27, 2025. Saudization rates in dentistry professions wiil be in two stages. In the first phase, 45 percent of Saudization will take effect on July 27, 2025, while 55 percent will be implemented in the second phase, 12 months after the decree is issued.

The decision to localize dentistry professions will apply to establishments that employ three or more individuals in dentistry professions, as well as boosting the minimum pay for the dentistry profession to SR9,000, which will be computed based on Saudization percentages.

MHRSD will enhance the percentage of localization in accounting professions. Saudization will take place in five phases over a five-year period beginning on October 27, 2025. The first phase of the Saudization decision will apply to establishments that employ five or more accountants in accounting professions at a rate of 40 percent, rising gradually to 70 percent.

Beginning July 27, 2025, the ministry will increase the percentage of localization in engineering technical professions to 30% of the total number of workers in the targeted professions. This will apply to all private sector establishments that employ five or more workers.

The MHRSD has published procedural instructions on its website.



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