Saudi Arabia announced the discovery of new oil and natural gas fields in Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter

02 Jul 2024

Saudi Arabia announced the discovery of new oil and natural gas fields in Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter

Discoveries of fresh natural gas and oil reserves in the Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter were made public by Saudi Arabia on Monday. "Saudi Aramco has found two natural gas reservoirs in the Empty Quarter and the Eastern Province, one Arabian light oil reservoir, two unconventional oil fields and two natural gas fields," said Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the minister of energy. 

The extremely light Arabian oil flowing from the Ladam-2 well at a rate of 5100 barrels per day, together with around 4.9 million standard cubic feet of natural gas per day, led to the discovery of the Al-Ladam unconventional oil field in the Eastern Province. After the Arabian very light oil began to flow from the Al-Farouq-4 well at a rate of 4557 barrels per day, together with around 3.79 million standard cubic feet of petrol per day, the discovery of the Al-Farouq unconventional oil field was verified in the Eastern Province.

After Arab light oil began to flow from the Mazaleej-62 well at a rate of 1780 barrels per day along with around 0.7 million standard cubic feet of petrol per day, the Unayza B/C reservoir was also found in the Mazaleej field in the Eastern Province. 

According to the minister, natural gas flowed from the Al-Arab-C reservoir in the Al-Jahaq-1 well at a rate of 5.3 million standard cubic feet per day and from the Al-Arab-C reservoir in the same well at a rate of 1.1 million standard cubic feet per day, leading to the discovery of the Al-Jahaq natural gas field in the Empty Quarter.

The discovery of the Al-Katuf field in the Empty Quarter was also verified after natural gas began to flow from the Al-Katuf-1 well at a rate of 7.6 million standard cubic feet per day, along with around 40 barrels of condensate per day. 

After natural gas began to flow from the Asikra-6 well at a rate of 4.9 million standard cubic feet per day, the Hanifa reservoir was also found in the Asikra field in the Empty Quarter. The Al-Fadhili reservoir supplied it into the same well at a rate of 0.6 million standard cubic feet per day, along with around 100 barrels of condensate per day.



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